Cross-Linked Dendrimer Hosts Containing Reporter Groups for Amine Guests

The integration of a chromogenic reporter group into the recently reported (Zimmerman, S. C.; Wendland, M. S.; Rakow, N. A.; Zharov, I.; Suslick, K. S. Nature 2002, 418, 399-403) monomolecular imprinting approach is described. The resulting highly cross-linked, macromolecular hosts show rapid, selective, high affinity, two-point binding of straight-chain diamine guests. Over longer times, the hosts are more promiscuous, binding a broader range of diamines. A rigorous test of imprinting was performed wherein the cross-reactivities of two dendrimers derived from different templates are compared. The test reveals a guest-dependent kinetic binding effect masquerading as evidence of a highly selective two-point imprinting process.