Isolation and developmental expression of Bcp1, an anther-specific cDNA clone in Brassica campestris.

Differential screening of a mature Brassica campestris pollen cDNA library has identified five cDNA clones that represent transcripts expressed exclusively, or at elevated levels, in pollen. We show here that the expression of one of these, clone Bcp1, is tissue specific and temporally regulated. The gene is activated during microspore development, as detected by in situ hybridization. Expression is enhanced at the time of pollen maturation and during pollen germination. In situ hybridization has also shown that Bcp 1 is activated in the tapetal cells in early anther development and continues to be expressed until tapetal dissolution. Homologous transcripts are present in pollen of other taxa of Brassicaceae including Arabidopsis, but not in pollen of any other families tested.