Macroscopically doped chiral-spin-liquid state

Our previous work on the isolated charge excitations, holons, of the chiral-spin-liquid state is generalized to include a macroscopic number of holons. We propose a specific class of wave functions for multiholon excitations exhibiting 1/2-fractional statistics. The fractional statistics are demonstrated by means of analytic continuation methods, numerical calculations, and U(1) gauge-theory techniques. A Chern-Simons term is derived in a long-wavelength effective action for the holons. The exactness of the fractional statistics follows from the quantization of the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term. This particular class of wave functions seems energetically favorable for the t-J Hamiltonian in the small-doping limit for physical J/t, while in the large-doping limit the stability of these states requires large J/t. An upper bound for the ground-state energy of the t-J Hamiltonian within the fractional-statistics basis set is obtained.