Measurement of Magnetization Curves in High Pulsed Magnetic Fields

An extension of familiar techniques in magnetic measurements has been made enabling the direct measurement of magnetization cuves, M vs H, in high pulsed magnetic fields (H ≳ 100 koe.). The sample is placed in the most spatially uniform region of the available field, inside one of a pair of balanced and opposing pickup coils. Their output is integrated and displayed on the vertical deflection plates of an oscilloscope as M, while the integrated output of the empty coil appears on the horizontal plates as H. As presently operated, a magnetization M of ∼30 emu or a volume susceptibility of ∼5×10−4 can be detected with reasonable but not high accuracy. The method is better suited to nonlinear magnetization curves than those methods which involve placing the sample in an inhomogeneous field, and hence may be useful in studying metamagnetics and weak antiferromagnetics.