The subject of this paper is spherically symmetric thin shells made of a baryotropic ideal fluid which moves under the influence of its own gravitational field as well as that of a central black hole; the cosmological constant is assumed to be zero. The general super-Hamiltonian derived in a previous paper is rewritten for this spherically symmetric special case. The dependence of the resulting action on the gravitational variables is trivialized by a transformation due to Kuchař. The resulting variational principle depends only on shell variables, is reparametrization invariant, and includes both first- and second-class constraints. Several equivalent forms of the constrained system are written down. The exclusion of the second-class constraints leads to a super-Hamiltonian which appears to overlap with that by Ansoldi et al. in a quarter of the phase space. As the Kuchař variables are singular at the horizons of both Schwarzschild spacetimes inside and outside the shell, the dynamics is first well defined only inside of 16 disjoint sectors. The 16 sectors are, however, shown to be contained in a single, connected symplectic manifold and the constraints are extended to this manifold by continuity. Poisson brackets between no two independent spacetime coordinates of the shell vanish at any intersection of two horizons.