Localized Moments (?)

The magnetic properties of dilute solutions of Fe in face‐centered‐cubic (fcc) alloys made from the elements Os, Ir, and Pt bear a strong resemblance to the behavior of Fe in solutions of corresponding 4d shell elements. The localized state associated with the Fe atom shows no magnetism until the 5d band of the host matrix is fuller than that of Ir. The occurrence of superconductivity in the host matrix is found to correlate with the occurrence of the nonmagnetic state of Fe. In pure Ir, the isolated Fe state is at most weakly magnetic, although it contributes a very large density of states at the Fermi level. Solutions containing 5% Fe show definite magnetic properties. In Pt and Pt rich alloys the magnetic Fe state develops a ``giant moment'' which is a function of the host lattice susceptibility.