Advances in the Geochronology of the Rice Lake – Beresford Lake Area, Southeastern Manitoba

The Rice Lake – Beresford Lake area consists of an easterly trending Precambrian greenstone belt which is flanked on the north by granitic rocks and on the south by granitic and metamorphic rocks. Analyses of an intrusive, late tectonic quartz monzonite at Black Lake, yield an isochron age of 2735 ± 55 m.y. with an initial 87Sr/80Sr composition 0.7019 ± 0.0008. This age is a minimum for the granitic rocks to the south of the greenstone belt and is the oldest age obtained in this area. On the other hand, analyses of a quartz diorite pluton intrusive into the greenstones give a metamorphic age of 2555 ± 70 m.y. with an initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7016 ± 0.0012. Mylonite zones are developed along the northern and southern boundaries of the greenstone belt. Analyses of whole-rock samples from these zones yield an age of 2345 ± 100 m.y. with initial 87Sr/88Sr 0.7044 ± 0.0024, and is the youngest age obtained in the area.These new data, combined with our previous work, indicate three major events. The first and oldest event is 2730 ± 50 m.y. and is interpreted as a period of regional metamorphism, granite emplacement, and the emplacement of gold–quartz veins which postdate the greenstones. A second period of metamorphism and granite emplacement occurred at 2530 ± 40 m.y. and it affected the area as a whole, as evidenced by updated mineral ages. The third and youngest event, 2345 ± 100 m.y., is recorded by the mylonites and may represent epeirogenic movement in the area.

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