Effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on the nursery production of blueberry cuttings — a note

Hard and softwood cuttings of high-bush blueberry were inoculated with ericoid mycorrhizal fungi. Hardwood cuttings were given different mycorrhizal inoculants at the time of bedding, and fertiliser was applied later at the time of repotting. Of the inoculants studied, mycorrhizal peat induced the most root formation, mycorrhizal root infection, and shoot growth at all fertiliser levels. Recommended levels of NPK compound fertiliser mix had no adverse effect on infection. With softwood cuttings, fertiliser andjor peat dug from under mycorrhizal blueberry bushes was applied at the time of repotting. Softwood cuttings which were inoculated and fertilised simultaneously, developed moderately high levels of mycorrhizal infection, confirming that the recommended level of fertiliser had no adverse effect on mycorrhizal infection development.