Tensor Polarization of Deuterons from theBe9(p,d)Be8Reaction

The second-rank tensor polarization parameters T2q describing the deuterons produced in the Be9(p,d)Be8 reaction have been measured for average proton bombarding energies of 2.5 and 3.7 MeV. Measurements were taken at ten-degree intervals for six emission angles between 0° and 50° in the laboratory system. The tensor moments were determined by observing the polar and azimuthal angular dependence of the intensity of the protons from the He3(d,p)He4 reaction when this reaction is initiated by deuterons from the Be9(p,d)Be8 reaction. Similar results were obtained at both of the bombarding energies investigated. The T2q are generally negative, with absolute magnitudes of the order of 0.20 or less. Preliminary calculations of the T2q using the distorted-wave Born approximation with spin-orbit terms in the distorting potentials agree generally in sign with the measured values, but are consistently smaller than these by at least an order of magnitude.