Using the patch-clamp technique, we have identified large-conductance (maxi) K+ channels in the apical membrane of Necturus gallbladder epithelium, and in dissociated gallbladder epithelial cells. These channels are more than tenfold selective for K+ over Na+, and exhibit unitary conductance of approximately 200 pS in symmetric 100 mM KCl. They are activated by elevation of internal Ca2+ levels and membrane depolarization. The properties of these channels could account for the previously observed voltage and Ca2+ sensitivities of the macroscopic apical membrane conductance (Ga). Ga was determined as a function of apical membrane voltage, using intracellular microelectrode techniques. Its value was 180 microS/cm2 at the control membrane voltage of -68 mV, and increased steeply with membrane depolarization, reaching 650 microS/cm2 at -25 mV. We have related maxi K+ channel properties and Ga quantitatively, relying on the premise that at any apical membrane voltage Ga comprises a leakage conductance and a conductance due to maxi K+ channels. Comparison between Ga and maxi K+ channels reveals that the latter are present at a surface density of 0.09/microns 2, are open approximately 15% of the time under control conditions, and account for 17% of control Ga. Depolarizing the apical membrane voltage leads to a steep increase in channel steady-state open probability. When correlated with patch-clamp studies examining the Ca2+ and voltage dependencies of single maxi K+ channels, results from intracellular microelectrode experiments indicate that maxi K+ channel activity in situ is higher than predicted from the measured apical membrane voltage and estimated bulk cytosolic Ca2+ activity. Mechanisms that could account for this finding are proposed.