The crystal structure of the title compound has been determined from three-dimensional single-crystal X-ray data. The crystals are monoclinic, with unit-cell dimensions a= 14·782, b= 9·153, c= 12·829 Å, β= 108° 4′, space-group P21/c and Z= 4. Full-matrix least-squares refinement, using 1606 independent reflections, has reached R 0·034. The complex is monomeric, and the rhenium atom has a square-pyramidal co-ordination, with nitrogen in the apical position and the four sulphur atoms from the two bidentate ligands forming the base. The co-ordination is distorted with rhenium almost 0·73 Å above the base of the pyramid and N–Re–S angles of ca. 108°. The ReN triple bond distance is 1·656 Å, while Re–S distances are in the range 2·381–2·391 Å.