Inclusion of higher order anharmonic contributions in self-consistent phonon theory

The ansatz method of infinite summation of higher order diagrams given in Shukla and Cowley, Phys. Rev. B 58, 2596 (1998), is extended to the self-consistent phonon theory. We demonstrate the high accuracy of this approach with respect to the first-order self-consistent and improved self-consistent (ISC) phonon theories, by comparing the results from the ansatz method with their exact counterparts. The ISC theory is then extended to include the remaining diagrams of O(λ4), which could not be included in its earlier formulation. This makes the ISC theory consistent, at least to O(λ4). This ISC theory offers a substantial improvement over the current ISC theory. The results of the equation of state for a face centered cubic nearest neighbor interaction Lennard-Jones solid from our ISC theory are shown to be in excellent agreement with the results of the classical Monte Carlo method also obtained for the same model.