Single Crystal Neutron Diffraction Study of Potassium Cyanide

Neutron diffraction measurements were made on single crystals of KCN to obtain information about the disorder of the CN ions in the cubic phase. The crystals were obtained by pulling from the melt by a modified Czochralski method. Data were collected on two four‐circle diffractometers at room temperature and at 180°K, just above the cubic‐orthorhombic phase transition. Structure factors were obtained for 24 inequivalent reflections. Free rotation of the CN ions is ruled out by the different structure factors obtained for reflections with equal values of (h2+k2+l2) but different (h, k, l). However, models fitted to the data assuming orientations along a particular symmetry direction did not establish a preferred direction. The fits indicated that both vibrational and librational thermal amplitudes are large and relatively independent of temperature. These amplitudes could not be reproduced by a dynamical model assuming harmonic forces even when rotational‐translational coupling was included. A tentative explanation of these results is given in terms of rapid CN reorientations caused by the low activation energy for rotation.