DNA synthesis and cell proliferation during the formation of deciduomata in mice

After ovulation and fertilization of the ovum, several typical changes occur in the uterus of pregnant mammals that are related to the implantation of the blastocyst. The formation of a deciduoma, in which endometrial cells are transformed to decidual ones, is one of these changes (Shelesnyak, 1957, 1960). Apart from an interplay of hormones the formation of a deciduoma is determined by local effects. Loeb (1907) was the first to show this by traumatizing the uterine wall. Since then the role played by hormones, histamine and other agents in the production of deciduomata has been intensively studied (Rigler & Rosenkranz, 1955; Rosenkranz & Rigler, 1958; Shelesnyak, 1959a, b, c; and many others.)