Clinical methods for the evaluation of endothelial function – a focus on resistance arteries

Endothelial dysfunction is a key event in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases and appears as a strong independent predictor of cardiovascular events. In this context, biological evaluation of endothelial circulating markers can be helpful. However, functional tests using pharmacological stimuli appear more specific for the study of resistance arteries. These methods consist in the evaluation of the endothelium-dependent changes in regional vascular flow in response to local infusion of substances that act through endothelial receptors without modification of systemic arterial pressure and in comparison with a non endothelium-dependent relaxation. Flow is measured by Doppler and intravascular ultrasound in coronary circulation, laser Doppler in skin and by venous occlusion plethysmography in peripheral muscular arteries. Similar studies can be performed ex vivo using isolated resistance arteries obtained from fat subcutaneous biopsies. In addition, other information can be obtained from reactive hyperemia and the study of the flow-mediated dilatation of conduit arteries to enable a selective and comprehensive approach of the heterogeneity of endothelial function in pathophysiology.