In seven diverse wheat cultivars, spikelet number per main ear as influenced by day length was approaching a maximum at 30. Differences in final spikelet number between treatments and cultivars arose from differences in double ridge number at floral initiation (range from 3 to 12), in the rate of production of spikelet primordia (from 0.60 to 1.78 spikelets per day), and in the duration of production. In cultivars with a high final spikelet number, fertility towards the tip of the ear was linked with the establishment of many spikelet primordia before the appearance of glume initials and with the concurrent development of spikelets. Development of the ear of Triticale was also sensitive to day length, with the formation of up to 50 spikelets under an 8 hr photoperiod. The large number of spikelets was achieved by long duration and high rates of production, which were in excess of those for wheat under corresponding photoperiods. Suggestions are made regarding the production of more spikelets per ear in wheat.