THIS COMMUNICATION presents a case of lipoma of the stomach in which the unique roentgenographic appearance of fatty tissue permitted a preoperative diagnosis. This case also demonstrates clearly the pitfalls in diagnosis of benign tumors of this organ. REPORT OF CASE First Admission. —W. R. a 28-year-old man, white, single, truck driver, was first admitted to the hospital on Nov. 11, 1949, with a three-week history of dyspnea on exertion, dizziness, weakness, fatigability, frequent headaches, and anorexia. His physician had treated him for anemia for several weeks without improvement. On admission physical examination revealed two small nontender axillary nodes. His blood count showed 2,700,000 red cells, 6.6 gm. of hemoglobin, and 5,800 white cells, with 76% neutrophiles, 16% lymphocytes, 7% monocytes, and 1% eosinophiles. Blood smears showed persistent poikilocytosis and anisocytosis. Repeat blood counts demonstrated elevated monocytes to an average of 11%. Sternal marrow studies were reported as showing marked

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