Guar Seed ß-Mannan Synthase Is a Member of the Cellulose Synthase Super Gene Family

Genes for the enzymes that make plant cell wall hemicellulosic polysaccharides remain to be identified. We report here the isolation of a complementary DNA (cDNA) clone encodingone such enzyme, mannan synthase (ManS), that makes the β-1, 4-mannan backbone of galactomannan, a hemicellulosic storage polysaccharide in guar seed endosperm walls. The soybean somatic embryos expressing ManS cDNA contained high levels of ManS activities that localized to Golgi. Phylogenetically, ManS is closest to group A of the cellulose synthase–like (Csl) sequences from Arabidopsis and rice. Our results provide the biochemical proof for the involvement of the Csl genes in β-glycan formation in plants.