Shear strength of Athabasca Oil Sands

Previously published data are inadequate to explain the high natural shear strength of oil sand. Dissolved gas comes out of solution when confining stresses are removed rapidly, and this results in an internal pressure that expands the oil sand specimens disrupting their fabric. Geophysical logs indicate that in situ densities are much higher than those determined from conventionally cored specimens.Although the behavior of slopes in oil sands suggests that the shear strength is high, the source of strength of the oil sand has not been explained. Therefore detailed oil sand strength testing was undertaken on samples obtained in a special manner. Down-hole refrigeration of cored sections resulted in relatively high-quality specimens, and these were shaped on a lathe to provide triaxial and shear-box test samples.Strength tests on dense Ottawa sand, oil sand tailings and densely recompacted oil sand were performed: standard behavior was observed throughout. A series of triaxial and shear-box tests on undisturbed oil sands demonstrated a Mohr failure envelope that is highly curved, which displays no cohesion intercept and which is extremely steep for the initial portion of the envelope. Optical and scanning electron microscope investigations have revealed a dense interpenetrative structure and a considerable degree of grain surface rugosity. These factors give rise to a very high dilation rate before failure, and the dilation rate is suppressed as normal stress increases. The suppression of dilation results in shear of grains and grain asperities, giving rise to an apparent cohesion intercept at higher normal stresses. The curvilinear failure envelopes may be conveniently expressed as power-law relationships, and this form of expression will prove useful in stability analysis.

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