The localization of the motor neurons innervating the cricothyroid muscle in the adult dog by the fluorescent retrograde axonal labeling technique

Injection of 4′6-diamidino-2-phenylindol 2 HCl (DAPI) into the cricothyroid muscle of the adult dog resulted in blue fluorescence of cells found exclusively in the rostral part of the ipsilateral nucleus ambiguus. These labeled neurons on the average extended 1.8 mm from the level just caudal the facial nucleus to the caudal extension. In the rostral tip of the nucleus, labeled cells were located in a scattered ventral group of larger neurons of the nucleus. Nach Injektion von 4′6-diamidino-2-phenylindol 2 HCl (DAPI) in den M. cricothyreoideus des erwachsenen Hundes zeigten die Zellen im rostralen Teil des ipsilateralen Nucleus ambiguus eine blaue Fluoreszenz. Die markierten Neuronen lagen kaudal vom Nucleus facialis. In der rostralen Spitze des Nucleus waren die Zellen in einer aufgelockerten ventralen Gruppe größerer Neurone lokalisiert.