Representing Primary Electrophoretic Data in the 1/Time Domain: Comparison to Representations in the Time Domain

A plot of absorbance vs 1/time (the “1/time domain”) is a more useful representation of the primary data in capillary electrophoresis than traditional plots of absorbance vs time (the “time domain”) in a wide set of circumstances, especially when comparing electropherograms in which the rate of electroosmotic flow is not precisely the same. The quantity that is of fundamental interest in capillary electrophoresis (CE) is the electrophoretic mobility of an analyte. The electrophoretic mobility of a species is nonlinearly proportional to time and, therefore, not linearly represented in the time domain: that is, the distance between two peaks along the time axis is not linearly related to the difference in their electrophoretic mobilities. In contrast, the electrophoretic mobility is linearly proportional to 1/time, and the distance between two peaks along the 1/time axis is linearly related to the difference in electrophoretic mobilities. Plots in the 1/time domain are similar to the familiar plots in the time domain (each analyte is represented by a peak, and the order of peaks corresponds to the order in which these analytes reach the detector), but the spacing between the peaks corresponds linearly to differences in mobility. This article derives this useful, visually appealing, and broadly applicable plotting strategy and illustrates common situations in which these plots are more useful than plots in the time domain.