Notes on Social Organization and Breeding of the Orange-Footed Scrubfowl Megapodius Reinwardt

Crome, F. H. J., and H. E. Brown. 1979. Notes on social organization and breeding of the Orange-footed Scrubfowl Megapodius reinwardt. Emus 79: 111–119. Twenty-eight mounds of Megapodius reinwardt were surveyed in the area of Clifton Beach, north of Cairns, Queensland. Detailed observations and temperature were recorded at one mound near Sweet Creek. Three pairs of birds successively used the mound during fifty-four months. The third pair shared the mound with a fourth for two months. During this shared occupation the pairs never worked together and confrontations rarely occurred. The fourth pair did little work other than digging holes for eggs. Territories appeared to be advertised by nocturnal calling. The third pair, which was observed most, worked throughout the year, the male more than the female. The temperature regime of the mound is described. The site of the egg was always a little warmer than the rest of the mound and reached a maximum of 38 °C. The third pair laid twelve eggs during the breeding season of 1973–74 when they occupied the mound alone.