Growth and Optical Properties of Novel Wide-Band-Gap Strained-Layer Single Quantum Wells: Zn1-yCdySe/ZnSxSe1-x

We report the growth and optical properties of a new strained-layer wide-band-gap single-quantum well (SQW): Zn1-y Cd y Se/ZnS x Se1-x . A SQW structure with four ZnCdSe wells of 1, 4, 8 and 12 monolayers (ML5) was grown on a GaAs substrate by metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy (MOMBE). The corresponding full widths at half-maximum (FWHMs) of 4.2 K photoluminescence peaks are 15.8, 18.2, 18.4 and 15.0 meV, respectively. These values are considerably small in spite of the high strain in well layers (about 2%), which are attributed to the well-defined structures of the SQW as confirmed by reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) in situ observation.

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