Orcinol-Type Depsides and Depsidones in the Lichens of the Cladonia chlorophaea Group (Ascomycotina, Cladoniaceae)

Five new lichen products.sbd. the depsidones stenosporonic and divaronic acids and the meta-depsides hyperhomosekikaic, submerochlorophaeic, and subpaludosic acids.sbd.are reported from species of the Cladonia chlorophaea group and from the genera Neofuscelia, Parmelia, Ramalina and Physcidia. These compounds fill previously vacant positions in four chemically homologous series of depsidones and meta-depsides involving 3- and 5-carbon sidechains. The chemical structures are based upon chromatographic correlations, and those of the depsidones are confirmed by mass spectrometry.