Transformation ofAspergillussp. andTrichoderma reeseiUsing the Pyrithiamine Resistance Gene (ptrA) ofAspergillus oryzae

A pyrithiamine (PT) resistance gene (ptrA) was cloned from a PT resistant mutant of Aspergillus oryzae and was useful as a dominant selectable marker for transformation of all A. oryzae wild type strain as well as A. nidulans. For further study, we examined whether or not ptrA could be used as the transformation marker in other species of filamentous fungi. Two types of plasmid, which contain ptrA as a selectable marker, were constructed, and the transformation experiments were done with them. One is an integrative plasmid, pPTRI, and another is the autonomously replicating plasmid pPTRII, which contains AMA1. PT-resistant transformants were obtained in the cases of A. kawachii, A. terreus, A. fumigatus, and Trichoderma reesei as hosts with pPTRI and pPTRII. Furthermore, a beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene was introduced into A. kawachii and A. fumigatus using pPTRII. Almost all the transformants turned blue on GUS assay plates. These results indicate that ptrA can also be used for some other filamentous fungi besides A. oryzae and A. nidulans.