EPTC (S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate) was applied to seed of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) that was coated with a porous material consisting principally of lime or gypsum. When the treated seed was planted in the field or greenhouse, grass was controlled selectively. When seeds, each carrying 0.1 mg EPTC, were seeded 1 cm apart in rows, the rate of EPTC would have been 2 kg/ha if this quantity of EPTC had been distributed in a band 5 cm wide. Such applications controlled grass completely in bands 5 to 6 cm wide. When seeds, each carrying 0.2 mg EPTC, were evenly distributed at seeding rates of 14 or 25 kg/ha, the broadcast rates of EPTC were 1.3 and 2.2 kg/ha. Both rates controlled grass completely. Storing EPTC-treated seed for 1 yr at 5 C did not affect germination of the seed or emergence and growth of the seedlings.