A “colossal” negative magnetoresistance (CMR) occurs in manganites at a first-order ferromagnetic transition. The Mn4+ and high-spin Mn3+ ions each contain localized t3 configurations; the t3–pπ–t3 superexchange interactions are antiferromagnetic. The orbital degeneracy of localized Mn3+:t3e1 , 5Eg configurations is lifted by cooperative static or dynamic Jahn–Teller deformations. Strong e -electron coupling to oxygen displacements, static or dynamic, introduces ferromagnetic e1–pσ–e0 interactions either via superexchange or, for fast Mn3+ to Mn4+ electron transfer relative to the spin-relaxation time hs) , via a stronger double exchange. At the first-order ferromagnetic transition, a change from τh≈ℏ/WσR−1 to τhR−1 occurs within mobile molecular units, where Wσ is the bandwidth for states of e -orbital parentage and ωR−1 is the period of the optical-mode lattice vibration that traps a mobile hole as a small-polaron Mn4+ ion. TC increases with the fraction of double-exchange couplings, and this fraction increases with Wσ and ωR at the transition from polaronic to itinerant-electron behavior below TC. The bandwidth Wσ∼εσλσ2cos φ〈cosij/2)〉 depends on the covalent mixing parameter λσ, which increases with pressure, as well as on the Mn–O–Mn bond angle (180°−φ), which increases with the tolerance factor t that measures the equilibrium bond-length mismatch, and on the angle θij between neighboring spins so that Wσ increases with the spontaneous magnetization on cooling below TC. In the compositions Ln0.7A0.3MnO3 with A=Ca or Sr, TC increases with t over the range 0.96⩽t⩽0.98 where the transition at TC is first order. The CMR is greatest near