Dilution Rates of Sour Colostrum for Dairy Calves

Holstein calves (32) were fed 1 of 4 liquid diets from 3-30 days of age to study effects of 3 dilution rates for sour colostrum on calf performance as compared to whole milk. Liquid diets were whole milk, sour colostrum to water dilutions of 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1. Diets were offered at 10% body wt daily in 2 equal feedings, and an 18% crude protein starter concentrate was offered ad lib. Colostrum was obtained from the first 6 milkings postpartum and allowed to undergo natural fermentation until feeding at .apprx. 15 days storage. Calves fed whole milk, 2:1 and 3:1 dilutions of colostrum gained at a similar rate from 0-4 wk, while calves fed 1:1 showed slower daily gain. Daily gain from 0-4 wk showed a linear increase across dilutions of colostrum. Daily gain over the entire study, 0-6 wk was similar for all treatments indicating rapid compensatory gain in 1:1 treatment. Calves fed 1:1 consumed slightly more starter from 0-4 wk. Total intake (dry matter) was lowest during 0-4 and 0-6 wk for calves fed 1:1. Total intake showed a linear response across dilutions for 0-4 and 0-6 wk. Incidence of scours was similar, calves fed 2:1 and 3:1 had fewer days of scours. Calves fed 2:1 and 3:1 performed as well as those fed whole milk.

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