Biodegradation of olive mill wastewaters (OMW) by strains ofScopulariopsisspp. isolated from OMW‐contaminated habitats

Six strains of Scopulariopsis spp. isolated from olive mill wastewater (OMW) disposal ponds were tested for biodegradation of OMW. When growing on undiluted OMW, all strains produced relatively high amounts of biomass [from 19 to 32g (dry weight)/l], and conducted variable reductions of the chemical oxygen demand (34–54%), total phenols (41–71% and pigmentation (8–28%) of the effluent. Best results were obtained by cultivation of strain SC3 for 18 days without agitation or 10 days with agitation. This strain showed a biphasic growth, using the available carbohydrates during the first phase. Degradation of phenolic compounds and OMW decolourization occurred preferentially during the second phase of growth.