Percutaneous Fixation of Pelvic Ring Disruptions

Percutaneous pelvic fixation is possible because intraoperative fluoroscopic imaging and other technologies have been refined. Anterior and posterior unstable pelvic ring disruptions are amenable to percutaneous fixation after closed manipulation or open reduction. Stable and safe fixation is achieved only after an accurate reduction. Anterior pelvic external fixation remains the most common form of percutaneous pelvic fixation; however, percutaneously inserted medullary pubic ramus, transiliac, and iliosacral screws stabilize pelvic disruptions directly while diminishing operative blood loss and operative time. These percutaneous techniques do not decompress the pelvic hematoma allowing early definitive fixation without the risk of additional hemorrhage. Complications associated with open posterior pelvic surgical procedures are similarly avoided by using percutaneous techniques. A thorough knowledge of pelvic osseous anatomy, injury patterns, deformities, and their fluoroscopic correlations are mandatory for percutaneous pelvic fixation to be effective.

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