Kinetic and thermodynamic properties of beef heart mitochondrial ATPase: Effect of co-solvent systems

The effects of glycerol and methanol upon beef heart mitochondrial ATPase (F1) were studied. Glycerol was found to be a potent reversible inhibitor of the F1-catalyzed hydrolysis of ATP and ITP. The inhibition of ATP hydrolysis was linear with respect to glycerol concentrations, while that of ITP was not. From the temperature dependence ofV max for F1-catalyzed ATP and ITP hydrolysis in glycerol or methanol solutions, the energy of activation and the enthalpy of activation were calculated. The inhibitory effect of ADP on F1 hydrolytic activity was studied in three solvent systems (totally aqueous, 20% methanol, and 20% glycerol). Compared to the aqueous system, methanol decreased the potency of ADP as an inhibitor, and glycerol enhanced the potency.