This paper addresses the following problem. Given an interconnected systemMcomposed ofNsubsystems of the formA_{i} + B_{i}K_{i},i = 1,..., N , (A_{i}, B_{i}), a controllable pair, and where the off diagonal blocks ofMlie in the image of the appropriate Bi, then is it possible to arbitrarily assign the characteristic polynomial ofMby a suitable selection of the characteristic polynomials ofA_{i} + B_{i}K_{i}? Moreover, is it possible to compute the appropriate characteristic polynomials of theA_{i} + B_{i}K_{i}(or equivalently construct the Ki) needed to do so? The first question is answered by constructing a mappingF: R^{n} \rightarrow R^{n}which maps a prescribed set ofnof the feedback gains (elements ofK_{i}, i=1,...,N) to thencoefficients of the characteristic polynomial ofM. The question then becomes, given ap \in R^{n}, doesF(x) = phave a solution? The answer is found by constructing a homotopyH: R^{n}x[O.1] \rightarrow R^{n}whereH(x,1)= F(x)andH(x,0)is some "trivial" function. Degree theory is then applied to guarantee that there exists anx(t)such thatH(x(t), t) = pfor alltin [0,1]. The parameterized Sard's theorem is then utilized to prove that (with probability 1)x(t)is a "smooth" curve, and hence can be followed numerically fromx(0)tox(1)by the solution of a differential equation (Davidenko's method).

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