Susceptibility ofPsorophora confinnis(Diptera: Culicidae) to Infection with Epizootic (Subtype IC) and Enzootic (Subtype ID) Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Viruses

To test the hypothesis that adaptation to epizootic mosquito vectors mediates the emergence of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (family Togaviridae, genus Alphavirus, VEEV) from enzootic progenitors, the susceptibility of the epizootic vector Psorophora confinnis (Lynch-Arribalzaga) to epizootic versus enzootic strains was evaluated. Artificial bloodmeals containing subtype IC strains isolated during the 1962–1964, 1992–1993, and 1995 Venezuelan/Colombian epizootics and closely related Venezuelan enzootic subtype ID strains were used to compare mosquito infectivity and transmission potential. Strains from the smaller 1992–1993 epizootic showed lower or equal infectivity and replication compared with enzootic viruses and to strains isolated during the larger 1962–1964 and 1995 epizootics. These experiments failed to provide evidence that Ps. confinnis selects for epizootic VEEV viruses with higher infectivity, as has been shown for Aedes (Ochlerotatus) taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann). Nonetheless, its high susceptibility, abundance in enzootic and epizootic regions, and feeding behavior suggest that Ps. confinnis is an important bridge vector for both enzootic and epizootic VEEV.