Hartree-Fock calculations of the ratio of bound-state to continuumbetadecay of187Re, the chronometric partner of187Os

Since the β decay of Re187 is first-forbidden unique, the ratio ρ of bound-state to continuum β decay of Re187 reduces to a problem in atomic physics. A knowledge of ρ is required if one is to connect the experimentally determined value of the rate of continuum decay to a value of the half-life T1/2 for the β decay of Re187. The value of T1/2 plays a significant role in the use of the geochemically determined ratio of Os187 to Re187 in the estimation of the age of our galaxy. Our results for ρ, based on the Hartree-Fock-Dirac single-configuration and the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock approximations strengthen the conclusion of Williams, Fowler, and Koonin [Astrophys. J. 281, 363 (1984)] based on a modified Thomas-Fermi model, that ρ is only of the order of 1%. We also include a few values of the rate for a process first considered by Perrone [Ph.D. thesis, Rice University (1971)], the bound-state β decay of a bare Re187 nucleus. (Since the mass of the Re187 nucleus is less than the sum of the masses of its daughter nucleus Os187 and of an electron, continuum decay of a bare Re187 nucleus is forbidden; neutral Re187 can β decay only because of the greater binding energy of the electrons of Os187 than of 187Re.)

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