Patterns of equity preferences among Californians for allocating park and recreation resources

The purpose of the study was to illustrate the contribution that normative studies of equity can make to the delivery of recreation and park services. The research goal was to ascertain whether systematic patterns of equity preferences would be identifiable among a probability sample of 971 California residents. Respondents were asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with each of the eight equity guidelines as a basis for allocating park and recreation resources. The most preferred guidelines were those based on demonstrated use, fees that covered operating costs, and areas that had the fewest facilities. The compensatory and equal treatment guidelines were the most controversial. The least support was shown for allocating on the basis of level of taxes paid and cost of the facilities. Linear logit models were developed to assess the effects of nine socioeconomic variables and a level‐of‐use variable on the “agree” and “disagree” responses to the eight equity guidelines.