Plasma histamine levels following administration of radiographic contrast media

The effect of two conventional high-osmolality and two new low-osmolality contrast media on plasma histamine levels has been examined. The study population included 25 patients undergoing intravenous urography with Urovison 58% (sodium and meglumine diatrizoate), 24 patients receiving intravenous Hexabrix 320 (sodium and meglumine ioxaglate) for urography, 16 patients receiving intravenous lopamiro 370 (iopamidol) for urography and 12 patients receiving Urografin 76% (sodium and meglumine diatrizoate) for coronary angiography. Seventy-four percent of the 77 patients studied suffered adverse reactions ranging from a feeling of warmth and nausea to laryngeal oedema and bronchospasm. Hexabrix 320 and Iopamiro 370 were associated with the least patient discomfort. All contrast agent usually produced a rise in plasma histamine following injection (Iopamiro 370 causing the least change) and the histamine levels then fell towards preinjection values over a space of about 10 minutes. No relationship was observed between the magnitude of the increase in histamine and the severity of the reaction that occurred. However, a relationship was suggested between the mean peak plasma histamine level achieved and the occurrence of a Grade II reaction (i.e., dry retching/vomiting, mild urticaria or rash). These findings raise the probability that histamine contributes to the more severe grades of reaction to radiographic contrast media.