Suppression of carrier induced ferromagnetism by composition and spin fluctuations in diluted magnetic semiconductors

We suggest an approach to account for spatial (composition) and thermal fluctuations in "disordered" magnetic models (e.g. Heisenberg, Ising) with given spatial dependence of magnetic spin-spin interaction. Our approach is based on introduction of fluctuating molecular field (rather than mean field) acting between the spins. The distribution function of the above field is derived self-consistently. In general case this function is not Gaussian, latter asymptotics occurs only at sufficiently large spins (magnetic ions) concentrations $n_i$. Our approach permits to derive the equation for a critical temperature $T_c$ of ferromagnetic phase transition with respect to the above fluctuations. We apply our theory to the analysis of influence of composition fluctuations on $T_c$ in diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) with RKKY indirect spin-spin interaction.