The relationship between physicochemical properties, environmental distribution and effects of organochlorine compounds as a major class of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are discussed. The environmental fate of a compound includes its transport and dispersion in the environment as well as its accumulation and transformation in defined environmental compartments. Accumulation and transformation as the result of environmental distribution may have long-term consequences; this is indicated by the ultimate accumulation and long-term bioactivity of several widely spread organochlorines, and is clearly evident in the decomposition of chlorofluorocarbons in the stratosphere. Depending on the order of trophic levelsbiomagnifiaction factors of 10,000 up to 100,000 are encountered for persistentsemivolatile organochlorines such as 4,4'-DDE, PCB congeners or some Toxapheneconstituents. Mammals show intra-species pollutant transfer during thelactation period. While the mother animal is partly depleting its bodyburden, the calve accumulates in a critical period of its life via themilk a concentrated input of persistent organochlorines. A similar depletionphenomenon is also found for fish and crustacean which enrich in the eggsa substantial part of the accumulated body burden of the female. The air skimming of semivolatiles by plantsurfaces leads to surprisingly high levels of pollutants in the uppersoil layers of forests that otherwise would be considered pristine interms of human activities.

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