Summary: Milk fat-coated microcapsules containingBrevibacterium linensand methionine were used to produce methanethiol, one of the volatile sulphur compounds implicated in Cheddar cheese flavour. Production of methanethiol from methionine occurred aerobically and anaerobically, but the production was 3- to 4-fold greater aerobically with most of the methanethiol being oxidized to dimethyl disulphide. About 35% of the total methanethiol was absorbed by the milk fat capsules and about 65% detected in the headspace. Levels of methanethiol began to decline at 26 °C after 24 h in milk fat-coated microcapsules. However, low temperature, such as 4–12 °C, stabilized levels of methanethiol in microcapsules over an 8-d analysis period. Optimum pH and temperature for methanethiol production were 8 and 26 °C respectively. The antioxidants butylated hydroxytoluene, butylated hydroxyanisole and ascorbic acid had negligible effects on methanethiol production.