Erosion of Silicon Single Crystals

The erosion of Si single crystals by angular Al2O3 particles was investigated over a range of particle diametersD (23 to 270 μm), velocities v (32 to 134 m/s), and impact angles α (22° to 90°). For α≥45°, the steady‐state erosion rate can be described within the framework of existing models by the modified relation ΔW∞(v sin α‐v0)2.6(D‐D0)0.6. The results are consistent with the relation D0v=Dv02200 × 10−6 m2/s for the threshold values D0 and v0. For α=22°, another term must be added, and could represent a contribution of plasticity. The results also indicate that surface morphology and/or subsurface‐damage structures are important.

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