Hyperfine Structure of Positronium in Its Ground State

The energy difference between orthopositronium and parapositronium in the ground n=1 state, which is called the hyperfine structure separation Δν, has been determined in an experiment similar to that of Deutsch, Brown, and Weinstein. The frequency difference between the M=±1 and the M=0 Zeeman levels of orthopositronium was measured in a static magnetic field of 8000 gauss at which it is about 2460 Mc/sec. A resonance curve was taken with fixed frequency by varying the magnetic field, and an observed fractional line width, ΔH0H0r, of about 4.5×103 was obtained. The principal part of the line width (3.6×103) is due to the annihilation lifetime of positronium; microwave power broadening and magnetic field inhomogeneity account for the remainder. No Doppler broadening is present despite the high velocity of the positronium atoms, because the mean free path of a positronium atom in the gas is small compared to the wavelength of the microwave radiation. The value of Δν was computed from the observed values of the frequency and magnetic field at resonance by use of the Breit-Rabi formula to give the result: Δν=(2.0333±0.0004)×105 Mc/sec. The error quoted is 5 times the statistical error and is believed to represent an upper limit to possible systematic errors. The value agrees with the values of Deutsch et al. of (2.0338±0.0004)×105 Mc/sec and (2.0335±0.0005)×105 Mc/sec, obtained with fields of 9500 and 9000 gauss, respectively, and hence confirms the use of the Breit-Rabi formula. The experimental values agree with the theoretical value for Δν of 2.0337×105 Mc/sec computed to order α3 ry by Karplus and Klein.