Methionine-Mediated Repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a Pleiotropic Regulatory System Involving Methionyl Transfer Ribonucleic Acid and the Product of Gene eth2

Detailed study of methionine-mediated repression of enzymes involved in methionine biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae led to classification of these enzymes into two distinct regulatory groups. Group I comprises four enzymes specifically involved in different parts of methionine biosynthesis, namely, homoserine-O-transacetylase, homocysteine synthetase, adenosine triphosphate sulfurylase, and sulfite reductase. Repressibility of these enzymes is greatly decreased in strains carrying a genetically impaired methionyl-transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) synthetase (mutation ts 296). Conditions leading to absence of repression in the mutant strain have been correlated with a sharp decrease in bulk tRNAmet charging, whereas conditions which restore repressibility of group I enzymes also restore tRNAmet charging. These findings implicate methionyl-tRNA in the regulatory process. However, the absence of a correlation in the wild type between methionyl-tRNA charging and the levels of methionine group I enzymes suggests that only a minor iso accepting species of tRNAmet may be devoted with a regulatory function. Repressibility of the same four enzymes (group I) was also decreased in strains carrying the regulatory mutation eth2r. Although structural genes coding for two of these enzymes, as well as mutations ts 296 and eth2r segregate independently to each other, synthesis of group I enzymes is coordinated. The pleiotropic regulatory system involved seems then to comprise beside a “regulatory methionyl tRNAmet,” another element, product of gene eth2, which might correspond either to an aporepressor protein or to the “regulatory tRNAmet” itself. Regulation of group II enzymes is defined by response to exogenous methionine, absence of response to either mutations ts 296 and eth2r, and absence of coordinacy with group I enzymes. However, the two enzymes which belong to this group and are both involved in threonine and methionine biosynthesis undergo distinct regulatory patterns. One, aspartokinase, is subject to a bivalent repression exerted by threonine and methionine, and the other, homoserine dehydrogenase, is subject only to methionine-mediated repression. Participation of at least another aporepressor and another corepressor, different from the ones involved in regulation of group I enzymes, is discussed.