Charge localization, magnetic order, structural behavior, and spin dynamics of(LaTb)2/3Ca1/3MnO3manganese perovskites probed by neutron diffraction and muon spin relaxation

Two microscopic techniques, muon spin relaxation and neutron diffraction, including small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), have been used to probe into the relevant mechanisms that determine the macroscopic behavior in the series (La1xTbx)2/3Ca1/3MnO3. The magnetic ground state at low temperatures evolves from ferromagnetic for x<~0.25 to spin glass for 0.33<~x<~0.75 and finally antiferromagnetic for x=1. Spin-glass regions were observed for x>~0.25. We propose the existence of two different volume states associated with the metalliclike ferromagnetic state and the semiconductorlike paramagnetic, spin-glass, or antiferromagnetic states, respectively. SANS experiments reveal the existence of magnetic clusters for x<~0.33. The magnetic correlation length diverges at Tc for x<~0.25 while magnetic clusters of around 18 Å stabilize in the x=0.33 compound at low temperatures. Muon spin relaxation experiments confirm the absence of microscopic local magnetic order for the x=0.33 compound and give evidence for the existence of static local fields randomly oriented below 44K, bringing about a glassy magnetic state below that temperature. The remarkable electrical behavior in this series has been correlated with the microscopic properties.