Growth Kinetics of Strawberry Cell Suspension Cultures in Shake Flask, Airlift, Stirred‐Jar, and Roller Bottle Bioreactors

Growth kinetics of strawberry cell suspension cultures (Fragaria × ananassa cv. Brighton) in shake flask, airlift, stirred‐jar, and roller bottle bioreactors were investigated. The specific oxygen consumption rates of strawberry suspension cultures in shake flasks ranged from 0.10 to 0.17 mmol O2/gDCW/hr. These values were relatively low compared to published values of specific oxygen consumption rates in other plant tissue culture systems. The volumetric oxygen‐transfer coefficients in bioreactor systems were determined and found to be influenced by both agitation speed and air flow rate. The specific growth rates of strawberry cell suspension cultures were higher in the roller bottle with baffles (0.15 day−1) than any other system studied. It was difficult to grow cell suspension cultures in the stirred‐jar bioreactor. The roller bottle with baffles shows the best potential for scale‐up.