On the physical basis for ambiguity in genetic coding interactions.

We report the relative stabilities, in the form of complex lifetimes, of complexes between the tRNAs complementary, or nearly so, in their anticodons. The results show striking parallels with the genetic coding rules, including the wobble interaction and the role of modified nucleotides S2U and V (a 5-oxyacetic acid derivative of U). One important difference between the genetic code and the pairing rules in the tRNA-tRNA interaction is the stability in the latter of the short wobble pairs, which the wobble hypothesis excludes. We stress the potential of U for translational errors, and suggest a simple stereochemical basis for ribosome-mediated discrimination against short wobble pairs. Surprisingly, the stability of anticodon-anticodon complexes does not vary systematically on base sequence. Because of the close similarity to the genetic coding rules, it is tempting to speculate that the interaction between two RNA loops may have been part of the physical basis for the evolutionary origin of the genetic code, and that this mechanism may still be utilized by folding the mRNA on the ribosome into a loop similar to the anticodon loop.