Massive pseudotumour resection with recombinant factor VIIa (NovoSeven) cover

Summary. Surgical resection is the only definitive treatment for haemophilic pseudotumour. For patients with high‐ responding factor (F)VIII inhibitors, the lack of reliable by‐passing agents in the past has meant that surgery has been avoided in favour of conservative measures. The development of recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) has revolutionized the management of surgery in these patients. We document the first successful report of the surgical resection of a massive pseudotumour in a patient with high responding FVIII inhibitors using rFVIIa to achieve haemostasis. Serial post‐operative measurements indicated that FVII coagulation activity (FVII:C) levels were more sensitive to rFVIIa dose changes than the prothrombin time.