Effect of medium copper concentration on the growth, uptake and intracellular balance of copper and zinc in Menkes' and normal control cells

The precise nature of the variation in cellular copper load against medium copper concentration is defined using a comprehensive logarithmically incremented series of medium copper concentrations ranging from low levels (4.8 p.p.b.) through ‘normal’ to toxic levels (40 p.p.m.) in which fibroblasts were grown followed by determination of intracellular content. Menkes' fibroblasts showed an unexpected plateau region of stable intracellular copper content against a change in medium concentration of over 100-fold, albeit only when sufficient copper was present in the medium (0.08–8.0 p.p.m.). Thus, Menkes' cells are clearly capable of balancing uptake/efflux providing copper availability allows. Simultaneous analysis of cellular copper and zinc load at various medium copper concentrations shows an indistinguishable intracellular copper:zinc ratio between the two cell lines. The nature of non-labeled copper uptake by fibroblasts over a 40 min and 7 day period is reported. During the 40 min period copper uptake (20 p.p.m.) was essentially the same in both cell lines. However, copper absorbed was superimposed upon large pre-existing copper pools in the case of Menkes' cells only. Advantages of techniques determining non-labeled copper in copper uptake/efflux experiments are discussed in the light of these results. Fibroblast growth studies showed that, compared with normal cells, Menkes' cells are significantly (P < 0.01) more growth sensitive to extended exposure to low copper concentrations. Thus, Menkes' disease appears to be not only a result of copper maldistribution but also a direct result of an inability of Menkes' cells to function normally in low copper environments.