Persönlichkeitsmerkmale von Patienten mit Kontaktgranulom

In der Literatur ist verschiedentlich auf einzelne Auffälligkeiten der Persönlichkeit von Patienten mit Kontaktgranulom hingewiesen worden, jedoch lediglich auf der Grundlage intuitiver klinischer Beobachtungen in Einzelfallen. Es wurde deshalb eine systematische Studie der Persönlichkeit von Kontaktgranulompatienten mit einer fachlichen psychosomatischen Untersuchung und mit objektiven Erhebungsinstrumenten an einer größeren Stichprobe (n = 33) durchgeführt. In der psychodynamischen Diagnostik ergaben sich annähernd gleich häufig narzißtische und psychosomatische Typen des Funktionsniveaus der Persönlichkeit und eine primär zwanghafte und teilweise depressive Triebstruktur. In den Testergebnissen wichen Kontaktgranulompatienten in der Struktur und Intensität der Körperbeschwerden und in wesentlichen Charakteristika des psychosozialen Selbstbildes von der Normpopulation in Richtung auf psychosomatisch-psychoneurotische Vergleichswerte ab. Persönlichkeitszüge von geringerer sozialer Resonanz und Dominanz, größerer Rigidität, Kontrolle und Leistungs- und Normorientierung sowie stärkerer Depressivität und Ängstlichkeit und interner Aggressionsverarbeitung waren auffällig. Diese Befunde stützen die Annahme psychosozialer Faktoren in der Ätiologie des Kontaktgranuloms. Particular features of the personality of patients with vocal cord granuloma have been reported in the literature based on intuitive Observation of individual cases in clinical examination. The present study was designed to examine systematically a larger number of patients with vocal cord granuloma by means of a psychosomatic interview and with objective standardised personality inventories. The aim was to investigate characteristics of personality structure, the extent and form of psychosomatic complaints, and the psychosocial self-image of these patients. 33 patients with the diagnosis of vocal cord granuloma participated in the study. They under-went a psychodynamic psychosomatic interview and filled in the Giessen test, a standardized personality inventory, the Giessener Beschwerdebogen, a somatic complaints list, and a social questionaire. Descriptive statistics were computed. Psychodynamic diagnostics revealed two types of the functional level of personality: narcissistic and psychosomatic structures were almost equally represented. With respect to the drive Organisation of personality structure, mainly compulsive and to a lesser extent depressive dominant features were found. The structure of somatic complaints in our patient group with vocal cord granuloma was different from that of the norm population as well as that of a group of psychosomatic-psychoneurotic outpatients. With regard to the extent of somatic complaints, the scores of our patients were in the middle between the norm values and those of psychosomatic patients. In the self-image of their personality and their psychosocial relations, patients with vocal cord granuloma deviated from the values of the norm population in all scales into the direction of the scores of psychosomatic-psychoneurotic outpatients. Personality characteristics of a lesser degree of perceived social resonance and dominance, of greater rigidity and self-control and of a stronger orientation towards personal achievement and social norms were most prominent. Also a larger degree of depression and anxiety as well as a tendency of internal control of anger and a latent aggressiveness were characteristic of patients with vocal cord granuloma. Our results lend support to the assumption of particular personality characteristics of patients with vocal cord granuloma and call for the Integration of psychosocial factors into the etiology of vocal cord granuloma.

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