Serologic Relationship between Inclusion Body Proteins of Some Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera

Summary: Guinea pigs were injected with dissolved inclusion body proteins from 16 species of Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera collected from four continents. On the basis of complement fixation tests they proved to belong to three serologically distinct groups. Two of these groups, namely nuclear polyhedron proteins from Lepidoptera and cytoplasmic capsule proteins from Lepidoptera, are the same as previously established for the corresponding viruses, although the capsule protein from Recurvaria milleri Busck (CRm) showed a higher cross reactivity with the polyhedron proteins than with the other capsule proteins. A third group is represented by the nuclear polyhedron proteins of Diprionidae (Hymenoptera). Within each group a varying degree of relationship was found which appears to be influenced by the phylogenetic status of the hosts.