Intravenous Administration of Diazepam

THE BENZODIAZEPINE compound, diazepam, was noted to have anticonvulsant properties when used to prevent strychnine, pentylenetetrazol, and electroshock convulsions (Randall et al, 1961,1and Swinyard and Castellion, 19662). Lanoir et al3reported a diminution of the after-discharges resulting from stimulation of the amygdala and cortex as well as an elevation of the threshold to pentylenetetrazol seizures in cats pretreated with diazepam. Schallek et al,4using lower doses, reported raising the threshold to after-discharges of the thalamus but not of the cortex or amygdala. Hernandez-Peon et al5concluded from their experiments on electrical stimulation of the amygdala, hippocampus, and precruciate motor cortex in the cat that diazepam "has a generalized depressant action upon epileptogenic structures throughout the brain." Naquet and his colleagues6reported on the successful termination of status epilepticus in cats with cicatricial lesions, and Spehlmann and Colley7were able to